Friday, February 19, 2010

What a crazy day

Jeez, talk about your ups and downs. Maybe its just Rush poker, but man the swings are pretty insane at $25nl for some reason.

Played a total of 3 sessions today... first one was just over 1000 hands for a $0.64 profit. 2nd was 1750 hands for a -$94.64 loss. Ugh, that one was nasty. Aces 10 times, and I either basically took the blinds or lost a massive pot. 2 of those were to guys flopping top pair, and hitting a miracle river to trip up... one was to a set, meh. I actually got it all in preflop vs 10s another time and he spiked a 10 on the flop, but I hit a 2 outer on the river to take the pot. Kings, win 4 small pots and lose a large one. Queens I had 7 times and won 3 times with em. Once I took the blinds, other times a c-bet took it down. Between Aces, Kings and Queens, I was down $77 on the session.

I think the most painful hand was where I limped with 8-9hh hoping to see a cheap flop and get 4 behind me and the 2 blinds in. Flop is 7-6-10 with 2 spades, the blinds check, and I lead out for 2/3 pot. I get shoved on (!!!) for $23.50 into a $2.50 pot, and get 1 caller behind that for another $5.25. I actually debate folding here considering how bad I had been running in the session. I then realize I'd be a fool for folding the nuts, and would really only be behind 8-9ss. Of course the guy turns over Q-10 of spades (other guy had K-10 of hearts). Turn was a harmless 2 of hearts, river a terrible 4 of spades. Bink, ship the $53 pot the other way. Why can't I seem to win those when the guy I'm against actually has a decent stack instead of winning the ones where the idiot has $7 in front of him. *sigh*

The bankroll was starting to hurt at that point being down to around $415, which was crushing knowing that another BI or so I'd have to drop down to $10nl again.

Figured I'd log a quick session before bed while the girl was reading a bit for a book club, and am I ever glad I did. Played 311 hands, up $95.90. Only hand I have that really hurt was set over set which lost me about $14. Won 5 pots for a net of over $15 because people play pretty bad. Best hand went like this:
I'm in the SB with 88. Villain raises to $2 UTG covering my $33 stack. I flat from the small for set value only. knowing I probably get paid at least another few bucks on the flop if I hit, if not making a big pot.
Flop 6-4-8 with 2 hearts. Bingo! I check, he leads pot ($4.25), I raise to $9, which is either incredibly stupid or perfect. Leaves me with $21.75 in my stack, making the min raise not commit me at all. Not that I think villain is looking at this, but he shoves on me and I snap-call, and he shows A-2 off with no heart. Awesome, he gets it in needing perfect perfect. Turn river come 2-2 and I double up through him (FU $3 rake!!!)

Ended up a winner on the day for $1.90, or nearly 8bb over 3000 hands (and an extra $14 or so in rakeback). After 8600 hands, still beating $25nl rush for 4.75 bb/100, a decent clip, but one I know I can improve on if I actually have some of my bigger hands hold up for once.

What I'm really weirded out by is checking my $25nl stats by position. I'm actually a 24.21bb/100 winner from the small blind ($56.29 profit), but I'm -$47.76 from the button and -$15.92 from the cutoff. Huh? Am I just raising too many hands in position perhaps? I'll have to look more into this and figure out where that leak is, because its definitely not right.

Medeival times tomorrow, can't wait! Won't get much play time, possibly a bit tomorrow night or sunday afternoon, but we'll see. Hopefully no more insane swing like that, just straight up winning sessions.

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