Thursday, February 11, 2010


After last nights session, I really need to fix a couple of leaks that I seem to have. 

Stop flatting with speculative hands

I tend to call an open raise too much with suited gappers and such. I think the only valid time to flat those hands is if there is atleast one other called behind, and I really shouldn't be calling if we aren't both somewhat deep. If villain is sitting on a 70bb stack, I don't think its a winning play. I should either be folding or raising (from CO or button) with those hands. 

Stop Floating

I found myself floating way to many cbets in position yesterday with hands that more than likely wouldn't stand up at show down. Floating with a pocket pair on a board with 2 overs just isn't likely to make me any money unless I hit a 2 outer. Does the float work on certain boards? Of course, I'll float occasionally with 77 on a 10 high board. I'll float with mid pair on a pretty scary board. But floating 77 on a board with a 10 and a Q probably isn't a profitible play. I need to either raise immediatly if I think my hand is good, or just let it go and wait for a better spot. 

Play most pots in position

I don't know why I can't get out of the habit of flatting or raising from early position with hands like J9 suited, JQ suited and things like that. I need to really get rid of those hands and tighten up from early position in these games. Since its rush poker, you have basically no read on any of your opponents, and while I occasionally steal the blinds, I often get into situations where I'm playing a raised pot out of position with a marginal hand. I think I need to tighten up to playing just pocket pairs and AK/AQ from up from. 

I should be looking to isolate a bit more in position and really try to use that to my advantage. Its amazing how far I've come in the last 8 or so months.... Back then, I just played my cards and didn't care where I was at the table. Last night I was able to throw away AJ UTG+1 without a second thought, something would never have done at this time last year. Its also a hand I have no problem laying down if there are enough people in the pot ahead of me. I feel I play pretty well in position against most of the players at these stakes, and need to keep it that way. 

Stop being a calling station

I don't think I'm being agressive enough (agg factor of around 2 overall I believe), especially on the flop. I really need to determine if I think my hand is good at that point and punish people, and try to build a decent sized pot with my draws in position. When I think I'm beat, I really need to fold instead of paying off that last 6bb bet "just to see". I did make a number of tough lay downs yesterday that I normally would have called off, but there was still a number of calls I feel were questionable after reviewing how the hand played out. Saving those extra bets is where I feel my profit will actually come from.

Fix my red line

I have to find a way to fix my non-showdown winnings, and I think most of that comes from the point above. I expect my red line to increase if I stop calling down as much.

Overall I feel yesterdays session went pretty well, and I actually learned a couple of things, something I'm hoping to do every time I play. After rakeback, I did finish down around $8 or so, which isn't too hot and I really need to fix a few leaks to make money. My biggest goals at this point are to save those extra bets when I'm pretty sure I'm beat, and really work on getting the most value out of the hands I do pick up. Until next time!



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