Friday, February 12, 2010

Getting there

Had a decent couple of sessions yesterday. Won't get into too many details, but an afternoon session was awful card wise, night session was much better and far worse players.

Afternoon went something like this, losing all of these hands:

Flopped set of 9s vs flopped straight
Flopped trip aces vs river flush (with 2 pot sized bets, horray)
Flopped set of aces vs turned straight
pocket aces vs a-10 (10-10 flop, probably should have gotten away from it and saved the extra $5)
55 vs 57 (2nd nut straight vs nut straight, yes it was a raised pot)
KK vs j8 (yes, he called off to a pot sized 3 bet pre-flop, hit 2 pair. I flop gutter and flush and miss both)
aces vs kings (kings set on turn)

Pretty standard I guess, just frustrating to lose what seemed like every big pot I played in. I couldn't flop sets in multi-way pots, I think I flopped sets after limping 3 times (2's-4's from EP), and when I finally flop a set of 9's, he shows up with JQ on a 8-9-10 board. Don't think I'm ever folding in that spot against an unknown, as they'll so often stack off with an overpair or worse there. 

The night session went well, especially one really strange hand. I have KK UTG+1, make it 3.5x to go. I get 5 callers, which definatly scares me and would mean I pretty well never c-bet on the flop. If I wiff, I'm almost positive someone has a set. If I do flop a set, depending on the texture of the board I may or may not c-bet and pray someone else flopped something big. Anyways, the flop comes out 10-10-10 and it gets checked to me. I decide to play the hand strong, and I'm definatly stacking off to the remaining 10 if someone has it... I just don't want a random ace to drop on the turn and make me feel sick. 

Anyways, I bet nearly pot and get called by the BB, who I cover. I'm pretty sure he'll stack off with nearly any pair there, and I'm pushing the pot hard to any uncard that falls on the turn. I've got the third nuts, and really, I'm pretty sure hes never showing up with AA in that spot. If he shows up with the 10, so be it. 

Undercard hits the turn, he checks, I fire nearly pot again and he calls. At this point I'm positive I'm good, as my pot sized turn would be shoved on behind with about a 1/2 PSB left in his stack. River blanks, he checks, I bet enough to put him all in, and he calls and shows up with A6 (no 6 on board I don't believe). WTF? God, I wish I could find these players more often, stacking off over 100bb with not even a good bluff catcher. 

That pot really helped my evening session, and I ended up quite a bit, enough to easily cover my losses from the afternoon and bring me back to down about $7 overall, and profitible with rakeback. Its nothing huge, but its a start.

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