Thursday, February 18, 2010


Hrmmm, so its been about a week since my last update... had some bad sessions in then, but am on a good upswing now.

I decided to bump up a bit to $25nl as I just couldn't get a handle on $10nl. Yes, it sounds weird, but I was pretty well rolled for $25 so I figured I'd give it a shot and move down if I didn't do well, and I stuck to that. Lost a bit, moved down to $10nl, won a few buyins and moved back up. Felt good that I was actually able to stick to something like that and not just try to move up or stay and recover any losses. I did make some adjustments to my game when moving up. I'm definatly not playing as many hands, which is good, and am making big folds instead of big calls. Still have coolers, but thankfully the last few days I've been on the right end of them and haven't had to move down again. I've actually come to the point that I'll lay down an overpair on occassion, a huge step forward for my game I think.

The last 2 days I've been on a pretty nice upswing, partially because of the laydowns I'm making and a little bit of run good (with a cooler or two thrown in). I'm sticking with reads and really trying not to get into tricky situations, since I know I can get easy money elsewhere.

Not a bad win rate, 36 bb/100 I think? I don't expect it to continue at this rate since the sample size is only 1600 hands, but I'm still very happy with it, and its given me more confidence going forward.

I did play some Omaha when a buddy was over, and got my money in good 4 times and lost each one. *sigh*, $40 right there. I think the worst was my AAQ10 (with clubs) against K J 10 3 or something stupid, and he flops trip 3s and rivers a boat. I know I can beat low stakes omaha, but I don't like the 6 max format they have for rush, and really can't handle those kind of swings right now... unless its up of course, lol.

Tomorrow is rakeback payment day, which should net me another $30-$35, which would bring my current BR to a hair under $500. I think if I can push it to $800-$900 fairly quickly, I'll be taking out my original investment just to protect myself, and be free rolling. Hopefully that happens sooner than later! My last 10 sessions, 7 have been winners and have netted me $141.14 over 7711 hands, or just over 7bb/100, a number I'm very happy with. If I can keep up even a 5bb/100 win rate until the end of Feb, I figure my BR will be up around another $200 and I can start taking minor shots at $50nl, which would be great.

This weekend is busy for me, as me and the girl are taking my nephew to Medieval Times, which is a really cool dinner theatre where you have live jousting. It should be a blast, I haven't been in a long time and I'm sure both of my guests will have a fantastic time as well.

Adios for now!

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