Sunday, February 21, 2010

One more update

Horray for work!!! I love being up at 4am trying to do stuff for work, ugh. Tomorrow and Monday are going to be brutal!

It did, however, mean I got to play some more poker tonite, and thankfully it was good to me! Was pretty swingy and up and down, but for the most part the downs were coolers rather than bad calls, which was a nice change. Still had one pretty bad call where I somehow out-leveled myself into calling.

Had 2 sessions late last night/early this morning, and the BR did get a pretty nice boost and just jumped to $655 thanks to a pretty big pot I just played right at the end of my last session.

The first session was pretty decent, started down 2 buyins after about 350 hands, but ended up playing almost 2,000 for a $30.50 win. Feels good to be able to battle back and actually pull out a profit in a decently long session.

Second session was pretty well consistently down a buyin. at at hand 750 I was about breakeven. Stopped the session at 836 hands at $72.16 profit. Nearly 3 buy-ins in 90 hands, nice little upswing. Granted, most of it came on a favorable cooler for me :)

Hand 820 or so (how do I tell in HEM? Hrmmm, wish there was an easy way). I have aces in MP, bump to $0.75 with $50.35 behind. Villain calls one behind me with covering stack, and we pick up the BB as well ($42.75 after the call). Flop comes A-K-J 2 clubs. Ugh, a great and awful flop for my hand at the same time. I decide I don't want to give any free cards and just play it fast. I bet $2 into $2.35 (probably a bit light re-thinking it), covering player behind bumps it to $8.35 (pot), BB folds. I say fuck it, if I end my session like this so be it. I click to sit out the next hand and shove my stack in.

What happens next??? Well, I minimize the window and just stare at my cashier window on FT, just waiting for it to drop knowing how bad I run in most of what I would consider my important pots.

Then... BAM, it jumps from $606 to $655. WTF? I actually won it?? I go back and check the history, and turns out the player behind ended up flopping a set of jacks. Kind of a cooler for him, but still foldable as one of the two clubs on board was the Ace. What hands would I really be doing that with? May be he thinks any ace, AK, ect... I dunno, I think in his spot I can find a fold there, but thats just me. As the hand played out I ended up turning quads to lock it up... what a fantastic time to hit quads, when I'm not even looking. Although I'm pretty sure had I been watching I would have seen a jack pop out on the turn instead of an ace!

Oh well, I ended the session on that note and get to go to bed in a pretty good mood once I'm finished work.

My last 11 sessions (all at $25nl rush) have shown me a profit of $310.96 over 8000 hands, or a winrate of approx 15.5bb/100. Thats pretty gross to me, and something I just pray I can keep up. I don't know what I adjusted in my game thats turned things this far around for me, but I'm excited for the next couple of weeks and what I might be able to do!

Want to spend tomorrow with the girlfriend since I miss her a lot right now (and yet shes just in the next room), but should have time to play on monday for sure. Alright, back to work for me!

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