Thursday, February 18, 2010

Quick night cap

Girlfriend was doing something for a few minutes, so decided to do a quick little night cap.

7 minutes
111 hands

7th hand have 10s UTG+1, make my standard 3x raise, get min raised by mid position, which typically means either QQ, KK, AA or AK. Occasionally something different, but given our positions I'm 99% sure hes got a larger pocket pair. Flop 6-7-10 rainbow, I check and he bets $3 into $3.35 with ~$12 back. I raise to $7 praying for a shove, and he obliges... turn and river blank, and I drag a nice $32 pot (after rake, what robbery!) to start the session.

Only other interesting hand went 2 limps to me in the cutoff with AJ, I bump to $1.50 and get called by the button and both limpers (!!!). Flop is A-7-3 with 2 clubs, and I nearly give up on the hand but decide that my best approach might be to bet and make an easy fold to a raise, or shut down on a call. Sure enough first 2 check, I fire $3 into $6.50 (yeah its weak) and they all fold... huh, weird. Don't know what to make of that, but I'll take the easy $4.50.

In the 5532 hands I have logged that are marked as $25nl Rush, I'm up around $100, or 7.25bb/100. Of course, in the hour and a bit I played tonite I was up nearly 5 buyins which helps! If I can keep that up for another 10k hands, I'd be ecstatic! Sitting at just over $490, which means with Rakeback tomorrow I'll break the $500 barrier in just over a week... sweet!

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