Friday, February 12, 2010

Quick morning session

So today is friday, the great payment on rakeback day. Whoo hooo.

I got an email on my BB that the transfer had been complete at around 6:30 this morning. $33.92 in my account from games played from Feb 2-8th. Monies from before I started this whole deal, sweet. I wanted to say good bye to my girlfriend before I went to work, and she wasn't getting up until 7am, so what to do for 20 or so minutes? Get in a quick session!

I quickly decided that since this was basically free money, I'd take a quick shot at $25nl and if my stack dropped below about $10-$12, leave. This was something I had been planning on doing after good days, taking a quick shot with 1 full stack and seeing how it went to try to raise my comfort level there. I will only do it with profits I've made on the day though, never to try to recover a loss.

I sit down and load up one table of $25nl and one table of $10nl. Nothing of real interest, I run my stacks up to around $35 and $13 and call it a day. Quick little $12-$13 profit in the morning is nice, as I'm pretty sure I won't get in much play time tonite or this weekend. Maybe a couple of quick sessions but nothing too huge, as I'd prefer to spend this weekend with the girlfriend just hanging out. It probably means I miss the 20k freeroll that my rakeback site offers on sunday as its valentines, although I might try to slide in, hehe. If the girl if home, I'm 100% positive I won't want to play in it. If she happens to go to the gym around that time, I might try to. Meh, not to worried about it. 

Roll is now sitting on approx $260, a nice little boost. I'm now ever so slightly winning at the tables, but really need to increase my winrate to get anywhere close to my goals. My evening session was great because I wasn't on the losing end of any big pots, and the most I lost in a single hand was $1.55 with top pair and nut flush draw that missed. If I can keep playing in position and not getting into over-inflated pots with a marginal hand, I think I'll see alot more success.

Looking forward to the (long) weekend, so won't be updating until monday I would think!

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