Sunday, November 28, 2010


Epic downswing lately. Since the 19th, I'm down $52. BR is just over $500 now (thanks to rakeback!).

The last 2 days have been especially brutal, being down $31, but running at EV I'd be at -$2.71. Awesome.

Some of the more brutal ones:

KK vs QJ all in on a jack high board... Q on the turn.

QQ vs JJ all in pre, jack on the flop.

KK vs A5 all in pre. Board runs out 93482

AK vs QQ all in pre... hit an ace on the flop!!! Wait, queen on the turn.

22 vs QQ on a 28Q flop. And just for the hell of it, the other Q on the river.

Then this at the same time on 2 different tables. AK suited in the sb all in pre vs button with JJ. Board runs out 46947 (2 of my suit even). Other table, my 99 on the button vs SB's AK. Board runs out KQK8A. Yeah, awesome... those two boards are flipped around on the tables, and I win an $18 and a $10 pot instead of losing them.

And those were just in the LAST SESSION.

Other great ones in the previous day or so

67hh vs AQhh all in on 3695 2 heart board. Heart on the river.
KK vs A9 all in on a 982 board, 9 on the turn
AA vs KJ all in pre, board runs out K82J5 (4 flush without my ace even)
KK vs AJ all in pre. Board runs out Q7A4K (4 flush for his J. Dirty river)


I did try some 0.05/0.10 as well, which didn't end so great. Ended up down $25.85, but just means I dropped back down, and thank god I did because if I took these kind of hits at 0.05/0.10 I'd be alot worse off. Its funny, the money doesn't really even matter to me, I just want to prove to myself that I can actually make money at this and try to slowly move up in stakes. This last downswing has been pretty brutal, but I just need to stay focused and not just donate money away from donkey tilt, which I've been pretty good at (except one hand I stacked off with KJ on a K high board to a set of kings... which is kind of brutal anyways).

Overall I'm still winning, just not nearly at the rate I was. Hopefully I can turn it around soon!

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