Friday, February 18, 2011

Update (its been a while!)

So its been challenging this week for me as I'm getting up at 5am to start working out for an hour or so before work. Its a little tiring but hopefully will be worth it in the end!

Its taken away my poker playing in the mornings, which is good and bad I guess. I started to play more 0.05/0.10 in the new year and it went horrible, I think I was down 12-13 bi's. Some of it was coolers, some of it was bad play. I think at this point I've fixed some of that play though. I did drop back down to 0.02/0.05 to try to recover some as my BR took a hit and went under $500 for the first time in a while.

This morning I actually played a bit as my biceps hurt enough that I couldn't straighten my arms without them hurting like crazy, so my workout was pretty fast. The session started awfully, with 2 set over sets and an overpair loosing to a rivered set. Early on in the session (130 hands in) I was down about 2.5 BI's. I ended up finishing the session (417 hands) up 0.10 though! I know I can beat 0.05/0.10, I just have to make sure I'm playing smart the entire time. For Feb I'm up just over 3BI's at 0.05/0.10, which starts to make up for my being down 12BI's in Jan.

Also, I broke 100,000 hands at 0.02/0.05 which was a cool accomplishment for me. After 104,722 hands, I'm a 4.61 bb/100 winner. I'm happy that I was able to maintain a decent win rate, although I know it could be MUCH higher. I had a bad stretch at the start of Feb where I was down 8-9 BI's pretty quick, but I guess it happens. Over the long run I'm a decent winner at those stakes, so atleast I know I can always drop back down should I have to!

Anyways, I'll try to update this more but its a little difficult when I'm not putting in a ton of volume!

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